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Hrvatski Telekom and Telenor Sweden both flip the 5G switch

2020-10-30 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

This week has marked two more 5G launches to add to the multitude of operators already providing commercial services in Europe.  In Croatia, Hvratski Telekom has finally launched their commercial 5G network, making the countries first foray into the next-generation technology. Limited coverage will be available in the country’s capital Zagreb, as well as other major cities including Rijeka…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: the switch sweden hrvatski


Hrvatski Telekom selects Ericsson for 5G RAN

2020-06-24 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Hrvatski Telekom has selected Ericsson’s Croatian arm, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, to be its sole supplier of 5G RAN products until 2024. The companies have partnered since 2018 to modernise Hrvatski Telekom&rsquo…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: hrvatski ran ericsson telekom


Hrvatski Telekom puts shares in Optima Telekom up for sale

2020-01-31 13:40:46| Digital TV News

Hrvatski Telekom (Reuters: HT.ZA; Bloomberg: HT CZ) has announced that, in accordance with the decision of the Croatian Competition Agency, it has started a sale process for all of the shares that it holds in Optima Telekom.

Tags: sale hrvatski shares puts


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