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US Seeks to Seize Suspected Iranian Oil Aboard Foreign Tanker

2021-02-04 16:08:33| OGI

Suit alleges attempt to violate terrorism regulations.

Tags: foreign oil seeks suspected


Tankers Carrying Iranian Fuel Begin Entering Venezuelan Waters

2020-09-29 11:10:00| OGI

The first of a group of three tankers carrying Iranian fuel for gasoline-starved Venezuela entered the waters of the South American nation on Sept. 28, according to Refinitiv Eikon data.

Tags: begin carrying fuel entering


Iranian Fuel Seized by US to Reportedly Reach Texas Within Days

2020-09-08 19:30:00| OGI

The U.S. announced in August that it had confiscated 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel bound for Venezuela,�part of Washington's efforts to disrupt trade between Caracas and Tehran.

Tags: days within reach texas


The Iranian immigrant who conquered online video tech

2020-08-24 01:01:53| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Shahrzad Rafati is the boss of internet video technology firm BroadbandTV.

Tags: online video tech immigrant


Report: US Seizes Iranian Fuel Cargoes for First Time

2020-08-14 16:00:12| OGI

Four tankers were headed to Venezuela.

Tags: time report fuel iranian


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