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Michigan County Seeks Anchor Tenant for Sustainable Business Park

2020-07-16 09:00:00| Waste Age

The Kent County, Mich., Department of Public Works has issued a request for proposals seeking an anchor tenant as it continues to work toward converting part of its South Kent landfill into a sustainable business park. The project, whose goal is to

Tags: business park county michigan


Michigan Court Orders Enbridge to Temporarily Shut Down Line 5 Pipeline

2020-06-26 15:18:20| OGI

Canadian pipeline�operator�Enbridge�Inc. has to halt�Line�5 operations and disclose information related to the recent damage caused to a part of the oil pipeline, a�Michigan�circuit�court�judge ordered on June 25.

Tags: line orders court michigan


Michigan Considers Changing Waste Laws to Promote Recycling

2020-06-16 09:00:00| Waste Age

New bills have been introduced to the Michigan State House with the goal of revising the states waste law to emphasize recycling and composting material. The state spends over $1 billion to landfill nearly $600 million worth of materi

Tags: promote changing laws michigan


Michigan Sets New Solid Waste Laws in Motion

2020-06-08 09:00:00| Waste Age

With a recycling rate of 15 percent, Michigan residents spend over $1 billion to landfill nearly $600 million worth of materials every year. "That's a lot of money," says Michigan Recycling Coalition Executive Director Kerrin O'Brien. 

Tags: sets solid motion laws


Ricardo partners with Excel Engineering to deliver testing and prototype services; Excel acquiring Ricardos Michigan Test Center and Personnel

2020-06-04 10:55:38| Green Car Congress

Tags: services center test partners


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