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TMRC consortium awarded second phase of DOE contract targeting production of mixed rare earth oxides from PA coal waste

2021-05-10 09:55:35| Green Car Congress

Tags: production pa contract phase


DOE awards FuelCell Energy additional $8M for Phase 2 ARPA-E project with differentiated solid oxide platform

2021-05-07 10:55:36| Green Car Congress

Tags: additional project energy solid


California Governor orders end to fracking by 2024, instructs CARB to analyze pathways to phase out oil-production by 2045

2021-04-25 10:55:39| Green Car Congress

Tags: end orders california phase


Several US States Urge Biden to Phase Out Gas-powered Vehicles by 2035

2021-04-21 11:15:00| OGI

In a letter that was seen by Reuters, the governors�of a dozen U.S. states including California, New York, Massachusetts and North Carolina called on President Joe Biden to�back ending sales of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.

Tags: states phase vehicles urge


Meat exports thrive in first year of U.S.-China Phase One

2021-03-25 14:32:00| Beef

U.S. beef and pork export value rose from just below $1.4 billion in 2019 to $2.5 billion last year.

Tags: one year phase meat


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