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August 2013 Radio QA Report

2013-09-16 17:10:27| PortlandOnline

August 2013 Radio QA Report PDF Document, 908kbCategory: Quality Assurance

Tags: report august radio


Spcialiste Radio Rseau de Communications Satellitaires Militaires hf

2013-09-16 10:35:25| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

. Au sein du dpartement CTO dAstrium Services et sous le pilotage du responsable technique du projet, le titulaire du poste participera la ralisation des tudes systmes pour un projet de nouvelle gnration de rseau de communication satellite militaire satellite et segment sol. Il sera intgr dans une quipe dingnieurs systme. Ce poste est bas de prfrence Suresnes 92 mais pourra tre envisag sur Toulouse 31 avec des dplacemens plus rguliers prvoir. En phase de dfinition initiale, lactivit couvre les domaines suivants Contribution la dfinition prliminaire des architectures systme candidates et des soussystmes associs, Participation aux analyses capacitaires et tradeoffs entre les solutions candidates, Contribution la rdaction de spcifications systme etou service, Contribution la rdaction des synthses des analyses systme, Benchmarking de solutions commerciales et dautres systmes satcom militaires Europens. En phase de dfinition dtaille, lactivit couvre les domaines suivants Contribution lanalyse des documents dentre du systme, Spcification et dfinition dtaille dlments du systme, Support technique la dfinition de services innovants, Dimensionnement, Elaboration de plan de dveloppement et denveloppe budgtaire pour ces lments. Au sein de lquipe technique de rponse vous traiterez plus particulirement des transmissions bilans de liaison, besoins radio pour les segments sol et satellite, spcification des performances attendues des modems, antijamming, comparaison des diffrents fournisseurs produits possibles, antibrouillage. Vous disposerez donc dune expertise dmontre dans le domaine de la RF. Ce poste vous permettra davoir une bonne connaissance de lentreprise et de ses processus et par consquent, une meilleure comprhension favorisant votre futur dveloppement. Vous tes titulaire dun diplme dIngnieur ou assimil dans le domaine des Rseaux et Tlcommunications, et vous avez acquis au moins 10 ans dexprience sur un poste similaire. Vous tes reconnue pour votre expertise dans le domaine de la RF et des Satcoms. Un niveau avanc dAnglais ainsi quun niveau de ngociation en Franais sera requis pour ce poste. Ce poste ncessite que vous soyez habilit un niveau dfense ou que vous soyez ligible cette habilitation par les autorits reconnues. Si ce poste retient votre attention, nous vous remercions de bien vouloir postuler en ligne. EADS sengage pour la Diversit. Nous encourageons toutes les candidatures indpendamment de lorigine sociale et culturelle, de lge, du genre, du handicap, de lorientation sexuelle ou des croyances religieuses. EADS Recruitment Center TO APPLY click here

Tags: radio communications hf radio communications


Cambridge Silicon Radio Researchers Unveil World's Thinnest Wireless Keyboard

2013-09-15 00:08:47| Wireless - Topix.net

Researchers from Cambridge Silicon Radio unveiled the world's thinnest wireless keyboard at IFA 2013 in Berlin last week.

Tags: radio wireless researchers cambridge


Rohde & Schwarz Makes The R&S SDTR Software Defined Tactical Radio Even More User-Friendly

2013-09-13 11:46:53| rfglobalnet News Articles

The state-of-the-art R&S SDTR software defined tactical radio provides high data rate, jam-resistant communications in network centric operations. A new, external control unit now makes the radio even easier to operate – also when driving through rough terrain.

Tags: more software makes radio


EPSSG Radio Occultation Science Support MF

2013-09-11 10:36:12| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

With 1.700 employees worldwide, the CS Group is a leading IT company in France and in Germany, and a prime contractor in designing, integrating and operating mission critical systems. It has now been over 30 years that comprehensive CS solutions for space systems and applications, both on the ground and in space, have been part and parcel of this odyssey. Mission The activities of the Key person will include scientific aspects related to the development of the product processing facilities of the EPSSG ground segment. The Key person will work in a matrix structure providing crossdivisional support and be hosted in the Remote Sensing and Products Division of the Technical and Science Support Department. The Key person will work at EUMETSAT Headquarters, located in Darmstadt, Germany. Profile The Key person shall have, as mandatory, the following experience and background University degree in remote sensing, meteorology, oceanography, physics, or equivalent At least three years of experience in the field of remote sensing, including experience with radio occultation observations Experience in satellite data processing Very good skills in a higher programming language, such as Fortran, CC, Python Skills in writing scientifictechnical documents Familiarity with Microsoft Office The following experience would be an additional asset Experience in understanding and writing requirements Experience with the specification, development, and validation of satellite data processing chains Experience with calibration and product validation methods Knowledge in radio occultation data processing and applications. The applicant shall be able to fulfil the assigned tasks with a minimum of supervision, have a systematic approach to work, be able to plan hisher work and to cope with tight schedules and multiple tasks. Heshe shall have the capability to write accurate and consistent technical documentation. Good communication skills verbal and written are important. Heshe shall be willing to work in a team of engineers and in cooperation with industry and partner agencies. Fluency in English is mandatory. To apply, please send your CV to FranoisXavier LAFFONT francoisxavier.laffontcs.fr with CC to fabienne.millouscssystems.de with the title and the job reference.

Tags: support science radio radio science


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