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FCC seeks to expedite release of new devices and technologies

2020-12-10 19:00:45| Digital TV News

The FCC has proposed enhancements to its rules to grant limited, early-stage flexibility to innovators to accelerate the deployment of consumer devices like cellphones, laptops, and Wi-Fi routers after FCC authorization.

Tags: release technologies devices seeks


US Interior Department Seeks to Expedite Energy Projects to Speed COVID Recovery

2020-09-03 11:10:00| OGI

The list includes around 5,000 oil wells in Wyoming, LNG projects in Alaska and Oregon and an offshore wind project in Massachusetts, as well as several mining, grazing and transmission projects.

Tags: department speed energy projects


Shell Deploys Bluware Deep Learning Tech to Expedite Seismic Interpretation

2020-09-01 15:28:53| OGI

Bluwares technology will help Shell to improve quality and speed of seismic interpretation workflows.

Tags: learning tech deep interpretation


OpenEEW Formed to Expedite Earthquake Warning Systems

2020-08-26 01:08:35| TechNewsWorld

A new coalition is building a low-cost solution to save lives in earthquake-threatened regions, rather than garnishing a profit from a new early-warning system. OpenEEW is an open-source IoT project with the goal to save lives by reducing the cost of earthquake early-warning (EEW) systems and accelerating their deployments globally.

Tags: systems formed warning earthquake


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