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Coronavirus: UK child poverty and inequality could worsen says OECD

2020-10-14 12:57:27| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The OECD says pandemic could also worsen regional divides and warns of further hit from no-deal Brexit.

Tags: says child poverty inequality


Whyte & Mackay urges Travel Retail to embrace digital amid coronavirus slump

2020-10-12 14:11:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The Global Travel Retail industry�should not wait for consumers to start flying again and must engage the few remaining passengers left through digital activations, Whyte & Mackay has said.

Tags: travel digital retail embrace


Coronavirus: 'My bank account request disappeared down a hole'

2020-10-09 01:42:16| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Start-up firms are being "stifled" as they find it almost impossible to open a business bank account.

Tags: account request bank hole


Government to pay 2m to settle coronavirus testing case

2020-10-08 01:11:21| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The UK has settled a lawsuit brought by a tech firm over the government's contract bidding process.

Tags: case pay government testing


Coronavirus: Up to 258m self-employment grants 'error or fraud' - HMRC

2020-10-08 01:11:14| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

HMRC says hundreds of millions of pounds in grants for the self-employed may have been fraudulent or paid in error.

Tags: error fraud grants hmrc


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