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Joe Bidens Clean-up Plan for Orphaned Oil Wells Slammed

2021-04-15 19:00:00| OGI

Critics accuse the $16 billion provision in Bidens proposed infrastructure package to plug abandoned oil wells across the U.S. of being a bailout for the oil and gas industry.

Tags: plan oil joe wells


Utilities Want Protection from Bidens Tight Timeline in Clean Energy Mandate

2021-04-15 16:00:16| OGI

The power industry supports the goal but is expressing concerns that it can meet its deadlines.

Tags: protection energy clean utilities


EPA Chief: Bidens Methane Emission Curbs to Exceed Obamas

2021-04-12 16:24:08| OGI

Theres lot of room to be more ambitious, Regan says ahead of the administrations release of its 2030 emission reduction targets.

Tags: chief exceed emission epa


NWRA Calls for President Bidens American Jobs Plan to Focus More on Traditional Infrastructure

2021-04-02 08:00:00| Waste Age

Arlington, VA  The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) expresses its disappointment in President Joe Bidens $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan that short-changes traditional infrastructure, only allotting $115 billion over eight ye

Tags: plan jobs american focus


US Oil Lobby API Responds to Bidens $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

2021-04-01 11:00:00| OGI

U.S. President Joe Biden unveiled a $2 trillion infrastructure�plan that includes hundreds of billions of dollars to boost the market for electric vehicles, renewable power and advanced clean energy technologies, while stripping away subsidies for fossil fuels.

Tags: plan oil infrastructure api


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