Tag: frances
InVivo looks to join France's wine big guns with Vinadeis stake increase
2020-07-02 16:10:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
The wine arm of French farming and agri-food co-operative InVivo has opened talks to raise its holding in counterpart�Vinadeis, with a view to becoming the country's third-largest wine company.
France's Naf-Naf acquired by Turkish supplier
2020-06-23 12:20:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
Ailing ready-to-wear brand Naf-Naf has reportedly been acquired by one of its suppliers, SY International.
Tags: acquired
Why France's wine industry should look beyond COVID-19 for the source of its woes - comment
2020-06-01 16:05:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
The wine producers in France are in a bit of a hole - but then, so is every other wine company around the world. Unlike their foreign peers, however, the French can't lay the blame squarely at a pandemic's door. Indeed, as Chris Losh discovers, the guilty party is much closer to home.
Tags: of
Altice France's EBITDA growth slows to 1.6% in Q1
2020-05-21 10:39:00| Telecompaper Headlines
(Telecompaper) Altice Europe's French operations generated revenues of EUR 2.64 billion in the first quarter, up 3.6 percent year-on-year (+13.3% in Q4). EBITDA rose 1.6 percent to 975 million, marginally below analysts' consensus forecast. The EBITDA growth rate slowed down sequentially from 19.6 percent in the previous quarter. The French subsidiary continued to account for 73 percent of Altice Europe's revenues, broadly stable year-on-year.�
Frances Total Renounces Rights To Deepwater Block In Mexican Gulf
2020-03-23 14:19:16| OGI
The regulator said Total decided to return the block due to the results it had obtained to date and must pay a fine of $21.2 million for failing to comply with its contracts minimum exploration work requirements.
Tags: rights