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Best of This Weeks Drilling Activity Highlights (Nov. 20, 2020)

2020-11-20 19:00:00| OGI

Five Eagle Ford Shale wells completed in Gonzales County, Texas, by EOG Resources Inc. plus a Wolfcamp�well tested�by Devon Energy and results from Oxy USAs Purple Sage Field discovery in New Mexicos Eddy County top this weeks drilling activity highlights from around the world.

Tags: weeks nov activity highlights


Eight Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today (Nov. 21, 2020)

2020-11-20 17:12:00| National Real Estate Investor

Bisnow provides an update on the goal of some players to bring digital securities to the commercial real estate universe. New rounds of curfews and shutdowns threaten to result in a fresh round of layoffs among bar and restaurant workers, reports The City. These are among todays must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.

Tags: today industry nov reads


7 ag stories you might have missed this week Nov. 19, 2020

2020-11-20 09:20:00| Beef

Potential picks to head EPA and USDA, African swine fever update and harvest update.

Tags: this week nov stories


Nine Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today (Nov. 20, 2020)

2020-11-19 21:43:00| National Real Estate Investor

Washington lawmakers are looking at an infrastructure improvement plan again, reports the Wall Street Journal. The San Diego City Council approved a $3 billion mixed-use development proposed by Hines, according to Connect Commercial Real Estate. These are among todays must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.

Tags: today industry nov reads


Nov. 19, 2020 CPOT Agenda and Materials

2020-11-19 00:10:21| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 565kbCategory: Cannabis Program

Tags: nov agenda materials cpot


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