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TerraSond Lands Seventh Consecutive NOAA Contract

2020-01-17 14:58:17| OGI

TerraSond, an Acteon company, has been awarded a five-year IDIQ contract on Jan. 16 by the Hydrographic Surveys Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)s National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Survey, to provide hydrographic surveying services in the U.S.

Tags: contract lands consecutive seventh


Texas RRC Sets Drilling Permit Record For Second Consecutive Year

2020-01-14 19:30:58| OGI

For two years in a row since 2018, Texas RRC staff has taken two days on average to process standard drilling permits, one day below the legislative requirement, a release from the state agency said.

Tags: year record sets texas


US Drillers Cut Oil Rigs For Third Consecutive Week

2020-01-10 19:31:12| OGI

Drillers cut 11 oil rigs in the week to Jan. 10 in the biggest decline since October, bringing down the total count to 659, energy services firm Baker Hughes Co. said in its weekly report.

Tags: week cut oil consecutive


Tesco bags fifth consecutive Christmas of UK growth

2020-01-09 11:49:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

UK�supermarket retailer�Tesco had reported its�fifth consecutive Christmas of domestic�growth despite what CEO�Dave Lewis has called a "subdued UK market."

Tags: uk growth christmas bags


US Drillers Cut Oil Rigs For Second Consecutive Week

2020-01-03 22:20:00| OGI

Drillers cut seven oil rigs in the week to Jan. 3, bringing the total count down to 670 vs. 877 active rigs a year ago, energy services firm Baker Hughes said in its closely followed report.

Tags: week cut oil consecutive


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