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Durst North America names Steve Lynn director

2020-02-25 14:06:00| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

In this role, Lynn will focus his attention on developing Durst's growing software suite and the expanding digital markets of narrow web and corrugate.

Tags: north director america names


Veteran Dealmaker Steve Herod Named CEO Of Grizzly Energy

2020-02-07 21:00:00| OGI

Grizzly Energy, formerly Vanguard Natural Resources, appointed veteran oil and gas dealmaker Steve W. Herod as CEO, effective Feb. 3.

Tags: energy named steve ceo


US Q4 in brief - Crocs, JCPenney, Chico's, Steve Madden

2020-01-31 13:29:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

In the latest fourth-quarter filings from US apparel and footwear brands and retailers, Crocs has reported a�21.8% rise in revenues,�JCPenney expects to close at least six store locations in fiscal 2020, amid a drop in fourth-quarter total net sales and net income, while�L Brands has swung to a net loss of US$192.3m. Elsewhere,�The TJX Companies has reported a "strong" set of fourth-quarter results, and�Rocky Brands has booked a rise in both earnings and revenue.�

Tags: steve chicos madden jcpenney


Oil IT Journal Interviews Johan Krebbers, Shell and OSDU and Steve Nunn, CEO The Open Group

2020-01-07 15:13:22| Oil IT Journal - www.oilit.com

Oil IT Journal caught up with Johan Krebbers and Steve Nunn at the 2019 EU meet of The Open Group in Amsterdam. We chatted (separately) to Krebbers about OSDU specifics and to Nunn about The Open Group's approach to standards.

Tags: the group open journal


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