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New eco-petrol baffles a quarter of motorists

2021-09-01 01:02:05| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

E10 is set to become the new standard petrol, but 24% of drivers are unaware of it, says the RAC.

Tags: of quarter motorists baffles


Ecopetrol Picks Up Aspen Technology to Accelerate Digital Transformation Goals

2021-03-18 19:46:08| OGI

Colombias largest petroleum company deploys Aspen GDOT software to optimize margin in Cartagena and Barrancabermeja refineries.

Tags: technology digital goals picks


Ecopetrol Targets $4 Billion Investment Plan to Reestablish Growth Path

2020-12-14 23:20:00| OGI

Close to 80% of investment will be in oil and gas projects located in Colombia, Ecopetrol said, with the remaining 20% principally earmarked for projects in the U.S. and Brazil.

Tags: plan growth investment path


Ecopetrol Hopes to Begin Fracking Pilot Projects By Year-end 2021

2020-10-28 18:49:07| OGI

Commercial production from non-conventional energy sourcesincluding fracking for shale gasis currently not permitted in Colombia.

Tags: begin projects pilot hopes


Ecopetrol Aims to Drill 100 Wells in Permian Basin by End-2021

2020-09-14 11:10:00| OGI

Colombian oil company Ecopetrol, which entered a joint venture in the Permian Basin with Occidental Petroleum in November 2019, said it plans to drill another 22 wells this year.

Tags: aims wells basin drill


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