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PATH FORWARD: Oilfield Service Companies Turn to International Market for Survival

2020-05-06 11:30:00| OGI

As oilfield service companies adjust operations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many are planning to invest internationally rather than U.S. onshore, says energy investment banker Jim Wicklund.

Tags: service international market turn


PATH FORWARD: Energy Industry Expert Says US Oil Cuts Could Help Shales Reputation

2020-05-05 11:30:00| OGI

Jim Krane of Rice Universitys Baker Institute shared his take on the relationship between the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Russia going forward plus how paralyzing the oil storage and demand situations will be for the industry in the short-term.

Tags: industry forward energy path


PATH FORWARD: Former EIA Administrator Guy Caruso on Oil Prorations, Tariffs

2020-05-04 11:30:00| OGI

The Texas Railroad Commission is expected to make a decision on mandating oil prorations this week. Heres why Guy Caruso says regulating the amount of oil production in the U.S. wont be efficient.

Tags: forward path oil administrator


Where Is Renewable Natural Gas Moving Forward and What Will This Mean for the Industry and States? (Part 3)

2020-04-29 09:00:00| Waste Age

The final part of this series reports on financing mechanisms to support RNG infrastructure.

Tags: the part states industry


Where Is Renewable Natural Gas Moving Forward and What Will This Mean for the Industry and States? (Part 2)

2020-04-28 09:00:00| Waste Age

Part two of this series explores RNG pricing and market trends in the transportation fuel and utilities markets.

Tags: the part states industry


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