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Global Pandemic Boosts Value of Drones, Puts Eyes on Regulatory Support

2020-06-09 18:00:00| OGI

COVID-19 has heightened the importance of drones, forcing a look into reform in regulations around the technology.

Tags: support global eyes regulatory


Regulatory Review: Midstream Matters to Watch amid COVID-19

2020-06-01 15:00:00| OGI

COVID-19 has brought new legislative and regulatory challenges for the midstream. Here's an overview of some of them.

Tags: review watch matters regulatory


ACI Names Director of Regulatory Science

2020-05-28 17:23:27| Happi Breaking News

New post to focus on federal and state regulatory strategies.

Tags: science director names regulatory


Singtel's FY net profit plunges 65% on charges for regulatory costs at Indian unit Airtel

2020-05-28 13:44:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Net profit fell 65 percent to SGD 1.08 billion due to Airtel's exceptional charges for regulatory costs, including the adjusted gross revenue matter and a one-time spectrum charge. Singtel took a net exceptional charge of SGD 302 million this quarter, mainly arising from Airtel's provision for the spectrum charge.�

Tags: net costs unit charges


Continental Resources Pushes for Regulatory Action at North Dakota Hearing

2020-05-20 18:31:47| OGI

Continental argued at a hearing that operators are hurting even though state production is down more than half a million barrels per day since prices crashed in March.

Tags: action resources north hearing


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