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Universal Credit: 'It is embarrassing having rely on family again'

2020-12-24 08:45:26| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

People on Universal Credit say they worry about the end of a 20 a week boost to the benefit.

Tags: on family credit universal


Government of Canada approves first Universal Broadband Fund project

2020-12-21 09:54:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) The Government of Canada has announced the first project to be funded under the�Universal Broadband Fund (UBF) Rapid Response Stream. The Minister announced funding of CAD 1 million for Netago Internet to bring broadband internet access to 7,179 underserved households in Starland County and Stettler County, Alberta, by 15 November 2021.�

Tags: canada project government universal


Universal Engraving unveils brand refresh, revamped website

2020-12-16 15:30:52| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

Like the new logo, the website also has a fresh and modern new look.

Tags: website brand universal refresh


Universal Credit: 'I felt guilty claiming benefits for the first time'

2020-12-15 01:05:13| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Women under the age of 30 have seen the sharpest increase in unemployment benefit claims since March.

Tags: the time credit benefits


Bob Dylan sells rights to all his songs to Universal Music Group

2020-12-07 14:44:24| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The US singer-songwriter has given his entire back catalogue over to the Universal Music Group.

Tags: rights group music bob


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