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Bankrupt Chesapeake Asks to Cancel Pipeline Contracts, Sets Drilling Cuts

2020-06-29 22:45:00| OGI

Chesapeake Energy�separately said in a filing it plans to operate six to eight drilling rigs for the next two years, about half the 14 rigs active on average in the first quarter, as it battles a historic downturn in oil prices.

Tags: sets cancel contracts cuts


Can Ghost Kitchens Replace Bankrupt Mall Tenants?

2020-02-24 08:04:00| National Real Estate Investor

Ghost kitchens are a growing trend across the country. Even Simon Property Group is betting on them. But will they help malls?

Tags: replace mall ghost kitchens


'Post Office false theft claim left me bankrupt'

2020-02-11 01:05:09| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Lee Castleton was left broke after the Post Office spent 320,000 pursuing him over false losses.

Tags: post office left claim


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