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THEO powers 'blue TV' streaming service from Swisscom

2020-11-17 13:30:01| Digital TV News

THEO Technologies has announced that THEOplayer will be used by Swisscom to deliver its blue TV (previously known as TV Air) service. Swisscom will now use THEOplayer across its web clients as well as on Connected TVs.

Tags: service blue powers streaming


Hog Waste Powers North Carolina County

2020-11-12 06:00:00| Waste Age

Methane gas from pig waste is being used to power Harnett County, NC homes and businesses. Local farmer Tom Butler developed the solution when neighbors complained his hogs were causing an odor to permeate to nearby homes. Butler first began powerin

Tags: north county carolina north carolina


Bedrock streaming technology powers Salto

2020-10-22 17:00:33| Digital TV News

Bedrock, the joint venture formed by Groupe M6 and RTL Group, has announced that its technology is powering Salto, the streaming platform created by Groupe TF1, France T�l�visions and Groupe M6.

Tags: technology powers streaming salto


Polartec powers open-source Houdini fleece jacket

2020-10-13 12:30:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Swedish sportswear brand�Houdini has teamed up with fabric maker Polartec on�Project Mono Air, an open-source initiative where all the work behind their latest circular innovation, the Mono Air fleece jacket, is shared online.

Tags: powers jacket opensource fleece


ATEME powers FASTWAY's OTT/IPTV platform in India

2020-10-08 11:30:02| Digital TV News

ATEME has announced that FASTWAY has installed ATEMEs TITAN Live as part of its OTT and IPTV platform. ATEMEs TITAN Live is used to encode and transcode channel video headends and deliver a OTT and IPTV content to FASTWAYs customers.

Tags: india platform powers ateme


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