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Protect and Improve Air Quality to Prevent High Mortality Rates from Future Pandemics

2020-04-23 19:50:58| PortlandOnline

How work on improving air quality helps makes our communities more resilient

Tags: high quality future air


NAGRA launches forensic watermarking to protect short content assets

2020-04-22 18:10:47| Digital TV News

NAGRA (SIX:KUD.S) has announced the launch of NexGuard ClipMark, the industrys only forensic watermarking technology designed to detect the source of pre-release content leaks on very short video clips, down to thirty seconds.

Tags: content short protect assets


Labour rights groups set priorities to protect garment workers

2020-04-21 19:07:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

A coalition of groups helping around 2,000 apparel brands and retailers to�improve labour conditions in garment factories around the world�is calling for urgent�action during the�Covid-19 crisis to safeguard worker income and health and future-proof supply chains.

Tags: rights set groups protect


Intertrust and Fastly integrate to protect Direct-to-Consumer streaming

2020-04-21 17:00:18| Digital TV News

Intertrust has announced an integrated solution with edge cloud platform provider Fastly (NYSE:FSLY). The partnership incorporates Intertrusts ExpressPlay DRM, a multi-DRM cloud service, with Fastlys on-the-fly packaging (OTFP) service.

Tags: protect integrate streaming intertrust


EU helps protect weak firms from foreign takeovers

2020-04-17 07:42:15| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Brussels beefs up powers for countries to block foreign takeovers of firms hit by the virus downturn.

Tags: foreign protect helps firms


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