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Ex-Nokia CEO Rajeev Suri to take over as head of Inmarsat

2021-02-25 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Effective March 1st, former Nokia president and CEO Rajeev Suri will become the CEO of UK-based satellite company Inmarsat. He will take over the position from Rupert Pearce who has served in the position for almost a decade.   “I am very excited to join Inmarsat, and to work closely with such skilled people, at such an important moment for the company and the satellite communications industry as a whole…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: head ceo suri inmarsat


Head of the Office of the Executive Director

2021-02-24 17:13:46| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Please submit your application by 23032021 1159 Prague time The only means of submitting an application for this vacancy is through the GSA erecruitment portal httpswww.gsa.europa.eugsajobsopportunities ABOUT THE JOB The European GNSS Agency is looking for a Head of the Agencys Office of the Executive Director OED who will be reporting directly to the Executive Director and assist him in ensuring an efficient and effective system of management of the Agency as well as effective corporate coordination and outreach, including relations with external stakeholders and institutional partners. For more information on the GSA and the European satellite navigation programmes, click here. TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Head of the Agencys Office of the Executive Director OED tasks and responsibilities will in principle include the following areas Assist the Executive Director in all aspects of the management of the Agency, in particular follow up corporate tasks and actions stemming from internal activities or from external recommendations, findings, etc. Coordinate the corporate activities and services under direct hierarchical responsibility of the Executive Director Steer, manage, and coordinate all activities of the Executive Directors Office Coordinate the development and monitor the implementation of the Agencys annual and multiannual programming in line with the Agencys mandate and vision, follow up the execution of the tasks entrusted to the Agency with a particular focus on the new tasks, and ensure an effective and efficient performance management throughout the Agency Assess, advise on and support the consolidated annual report on the Agencys activities, including the accounts and a description of how the Agency has met its performance indicators prepare the submission of both the annual report and the assessment to the relevant stakeholders Propose organisational steps necessary to ensure efficient performance of the Agencys tasks and functions Coordinate the preparation of speeches, slides and presentations as well as give presentations, and lead the drafting of editing of messages and notes for senior executive management Coordinate the elaboration of and contribute to the vision, content and planning of the strategy of the Agency Ensure a smooth, timely and clear internal communication flow between the ED and internal and external stakeholders of the Agencys Administrative Board Provide support and secretarial services to the Agencys Administrative Board Coordinate the provision of secretarial services to the entire Agency Support within the Agency a positive team spirit and ensure motivation, efficiency and effectiveness for added value and adhesion to the European Union values, ethics and integrity Take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The selection procedure is open to applicants who satisfy the following eligibility criteria, on the closing date for application A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more OR A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and at least one year of appropriate professional experience when the normal period of university education is three years In addition to the above, appropriate professional experience of at least twelve years after obtaining the required diploma Be a national of a Member State of the European Union Be entitled to his or her full rights as citizen Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military service Meet the character requirements for the duties involved Have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the European Union to the extent necessary for the performance of hisher duties Be physically fit to perform the duties linked to the post APPLICATION PROCEDURE In order to consider your application valid, you are required to log in and submit application through the GSA erecruitment portal httpswww.gsa.europa.eugsajobsopportunities A full job description and further information on the application procedure can be found here httpsvacancies.gsa.europa.euJobsVacancyDetails1471

Tags: the office head director


Ho Ching: Head of Singapore's $230bn state fund Temasek steps down

2021-02-09 06:10:51| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Ho Ching has been at the helm of one of world's biggest investment funds, Temasek, for 17 years.

Tags: state head steps fund


Head of Software Project Management mwd

2021-02-03 11:13:27| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Die OHB System AG sucht fr den Bereich Software am Standort Bremen einen Head of Software Project Management mwd Ihre Aufgaben Leitung und Steuerung der Software Project Manager Disziplinarische Verantwortung fr die Mitglieder der Software Project Management Organisation Bereichsweite Verbesserung des Software Project Managements Standardisierung der Project Progress Metriken KPIs in Zusammenarbeit mit den Abteilungsleitern Verbesserung der Anwendung agiler Methoden in den Software Projekten Aktive Gestaltung der Bereichsstrategie zusammen mit der Bereichsleitung und Abteilungsleitungen Karriereplanung und Weiterbildungsmanahmen der Teammitglieder durch Mitarbeitergesprche festlegen Erstellung und Pflege der relevanten Software Prozesse, inklusive Untersttzung fr Projekte bei deren Anwendung Projektbergreifende Entwicklungen etablieren und aktiv frdern Ansprechpartner, Motivator und Sparringspartner fr Software Project Manager Beratung bei wichtigen, kritischen oder schwierigen Entscheidungen fr die Software Projekte sowie Untersttzung bei der Erstellung von Angeboten Wichtiger Ansprechpartner intern fr die Gesamtprojektleiter Ihre Qualifikationen Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium oder Ausbildung im relevanten Bereich Langjhrige Berufserfahrung im Software Project Management und in Anwendung agiler Methoden Exzellente Kommunikationsfhigkeit Starke unternehmerische Denkweise, ein hohes Ma an Ergebnisorientierung und Kostenbewusstsein Mehrjhrige sowie nachweisbare Fhigkeit zur Fhrung und Motivation von Mitarbeitern sowie Fhrungskrften Mehrjhrige Erfahrung in den Themen Mitarbeiter und Organisationsentwicklung sowie Wissensmanagement sowie Interesse an neuen Themen und Innovationen Integritt und Fairness, Selbstbewusstes und gewinnendes Auftreten, ausgeprgte berzeugungs und Begeisterungsfhigkeit Sehr gute Deutsch sowie sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Tags: software management project head


Hempel Hires Head of Marine

2021-02-01 16:20:14| Coatings World Breaking News

Alexander Enstr�m joined Hempel to lead its new global marine organization, the company announced.

Tags: head marine hires hempel


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