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Tag: blackouts

China power cuts: What is causing the country's blackouts?

2021-09-30 08:53:20| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Millions of homes and businesses have been hit due to a severe shortage of electricity.

Tags: power china causing cuts


Iran bans cryptocurrency mining for four months after blackouts

2021-05-26 19:09:54| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

President Hassan Rouhani says the energy-consuming activity must be halted for four months.

Tags: months iran mining bans


Opinion: California Blackouts Illustrate Risks of Mishandled Energy Transition

2020-08-20 11:00:00| OGI

Californias recent blackouts have illustrated the risks when the transition to renewable generation proceeds faster than measures to make electricity consumption more responsive to available power supplies.

Tags: california opinion energy transition


'UK faces mobile blackouts if Huawei 5G ban imposed by 2023'

2020-07-09 14:40:48| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

BT and Vodafone warn that users will face days without a mobile signal if a 2023 ban is imposed.

Tags: mobile faces ban imposed


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