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Exxon Mobil, Chevron Adjust in Permian Basin amid Market Volatility

2020-07-31 20:15:44| OGI

The supermajors are focused on specific developments and improving efficiency in the Permian Basin as market conditions recover.

Tags: market mobil adjust basin


Chesapeake Energy Shares Tumble Amid Volatility, Trading Halts

2020-06-09 22:05:00| OGI

In a dramatic day for the company on June 8, Chesapeake Energy stock more than tripled in value, triggering 22 volatility halts before closing up 182%. It later fell in extended trading.

Tags: energy trading shares amid


Historic Low Yields Back in Sight After Volatility Vanquished

2020-04-06 14:19:00| National Real Estate Investor

Theres a critical mass of market forces weighing in favor of lower yields.

Tags: back low historic sight


Coronavirus: Stocks rocked by record volatility

2020-03-17 04:59:54| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The Dow has seen its five biggest ever one-day points falls in the last month on coronavirus fears.

Tags: record stocks volatility rocked


US Shale Producers Prepare To Adjust Amid Volatility, Coronavirus

2020-03-09 23:00:00| OGI

Continued fears about the coronavirus, demand uncertainty and OPEC moves are adding to a growing list of challenges for U.S. shale players.

Tags: prepare adjust producers amid


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