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US Oil Producer Hess Reportedly Cutting About 10% of Workforce

2020-08-15 00:30:00| OGI

Hess, which had about 1,770 employees as of Dec. 31, dismissed about 165 full-time workers this week and terminated an undisclosed number of contract employees, according to people familiar with the matter.

Tags: of oil cutting producer


L Brands to slash corporate workforce by 15%

2020-07-29 12:41:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

L Brands is the latest retailer to outline workforce reductions as the industry has been left reeling from the�Covid-19 pandemic, with the�Victoria's Secret-owner planning to�cut its�home office headcount by about 850 associates.

Tags: corporate brands workforce slash


Petrobras Plans to Cut Over 20% of Workforce in Mass Downsizing

2020-07-02 15:11:39| OGI

Some have already left, while most will leave the company later this year or in 2021.

Tags: plans cut mass workforce


Cybersecurity and Your New Remote Workforce

2020-06-30 13:00:00| TechNewsWorld

For most organizations, COVID-19 has been a literal transformative agent. Our organizations have almost overnight gone from environments where teleworking was an exception, to where it's the norm. As any student of human nature will tell you, people tend to view "the new" with reservation. There's a temptation when things are new to assume the worst about them. For security pros, this means we often view new things as riskier than things we're familiar with.

Tags: remote workforce cybersecurity


Hunting Cuts 25% of Workforce To Counter Lower Oil Prices

2020-06-29 15:50:55| OGI

Oilfield services group�Hunting�Plc has cut its�workforce�by a fourth as low�oil�prices�and weak demand slammed most of its business units in the second quarter, the company said on June 29.

Tags: prices lower counter oil


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