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Tag: truckers

Bipartisan HAULS Act offers ag truckers relief

2021-03-18 14:33:00| National Hog Farmer

Legislation includes updates to the agricultural livestock trucking exemptions to the hours-of-service rules.

Tags: offers act relief bipartisan


Bipartisan HAULS Act offers ag truckers relief

2021-03-18 14:33:00| Beef

Legislation includes updates to the agricultural livestock trucking exemptions to the hours-of-service rules.

Tags: offers act relief bipartisan


Life on the road for truckers amid ports chaos

2020-12-22 01:03:43| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The French ban on hauliers travelling from the UK has added to disruption in ports such as Dover.

Tags: life road ports chaos


Roll on: Truckers find relief in new hours of service rule

2020-05-21 15:18:00| Beef

Truckers have always been essential to our economy; their importance has just gotten some extra publicity during the current COVID pandemic. New rules should help lift regulation burdens causing them stress.

Tags: service find hours roll


Tyson to pay $60 million in bonuses to frontline workers, truckers

2020-04-01 17:20:00| National Hog Farmer

The company has relaxed its attendance policy and is encouraging team members to stay at home if they're exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 infection.

Tags: pay million workers bonuses


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