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Right-to-Repair Has Environmental Consequences

2020-12-14 13:55:00| Waste Age

Many tech companies deliberately avoid removable components from their technologies to encourage hardware replacement rather than repair.   The European Parliaments MEPs have called on the European Commission to extend a ruling on the right-to

Tags: environmental consequences righttorepair


The Risks and Consequences of Lax Patch Management

2020-09-29 21:55:15| TechNewsWorld

Earlier this month, a woman with a life-threatening condition passed away after hackers crashed the IT systems of a major hospital in the city of Dusseldorf. Incidents like this raise the question of why corporations do not patch vulnerabilities as soon as software manufacturers issue a fix.

Tags: management patch risks consequences


Market Perspective: Dan Pickering on Truths, Consequences and Energy Investing

2020-04-23 11:30:00| OGI

The people who are going to save this industry are not going to be OPEC or Trump. Its going to be the industry itself, Dan Pickering, founder and chief investment officer of Pickering�Energy Partners, says.

Tags: market dan energy perspective


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