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Nichols parks 2020 guidance as COVID-19 prompts cost-cutting

2020-03-31 16:16:35| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Vimto brand owner Nichols is the latest drinks company to abandon its forecasts for performance in 2020.

Tags: guidance parks prompts nichols


Oil Pipeline, Producer Standoff Prompts New Call for Texas Shale Curbs

2020-03-30 23:30:00| OGI

Texas Railroad Commission, the state's energy regulator, will weigh a mandated cut at its next scheduled meeting, said Ryan Sitton, the commissioner who first floated 10% cuts two weeks ago.

Tags: call texas oil producer


COVID-19 drag prompts Distell to ready South Africa wine brand offloads

2020-03-26 17:36:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Distell has put two of its wine brands - along with their estates - on the market as the South Africa-headquartered group looks to "lighten its balance sheet" as sales head south.

Tags: south brand ready africa


Coronavirus Prompts ISRI to Postpone Annual Convention

2020-03-13 09:00:00| Waste Age

ISRI just announced its plans to reschedule ISRI2020 amid coronavirus concerns.

Tags: annual convention prompts postpone


Coronavirus prompts LV to pull out of travel cover

2020-03-12 01:13:24| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

LV says will pause sale of travel insurance but existing customers will still be covered.

Tags: travel cover pull prompts


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