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Digital laggards must act to offset store closures

2020-11-24 10:45:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Permanent store closures were already rife in the retail sector prior to Covid-19 due to spend shifting online, but this has been further intensified by the pandemic. Apparel stores have been especially hard hit, with online penetration forecast to rise to 50.8% in 2020 and expected to remain well above 2019 levels in 2021 at 40.0%, further reducing the need for large store estates.

Tags: store digital act offset


Apple slashes commission fees to developers on its App Store

2020-11-18 13:03:19| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Those who earn less than $1m this year will see their commission charge halved in 2021.

Tags: store commission fees apple


Apple to halve App Store commission for small developers from 2021

2020-11-18 12:38:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Apple announced it will charge a reduced commission on its App Store from next year for small businesses. App publishers with less than USD 1 million in annual turnover can benefit from the new reduced rate of 15 percent, compared to the normal commission fee of 30 percent for Apple.�

Tags: small store commission apple


Edrington opens The Macallan store in Sanya GTR

2020-11-17 11:31:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Edrington's Travel Retail unit has unveiled a duty free retail space for The Macallan Scotch whisky brand in a partnership with China Duty Free Group.

Tags: store opens gtr macallan


Vevo added to NetRange Smart TV app store

2020-11-17 10:20:29| Digital TV News

Vevo and NetRange have announced a collaboration to widen access to Vevos music video service to Smart TVs in nearly a dozen countries powered by the NetRange Smart TV App Store.

Tags: added store smart app


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