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Tag: landlords
New Look reaches out to landlords to back restructuring plan
2020-09-09 14:03:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
UK fashion retailer�New Look is calling on its landlords to back its restructuring plans after failing to attract a buyer.
What Concessions Are Office Landlords Offering to Hold Onto Tenants as Demand Falters?
2020-09-03 20:23:00| National Real Estate Investor
Recent reports have shown office landlords have been more willing to offer tenants additional perks to get them to commit.
Tags: office
Ann Summers threatens landlords over shop rents
2020-09-01 13:42:40| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
The sex toy and lingerie chain issues ultimatum over debt restructuring that is "no idle threat".
Tags: shop
NYC Office Landlords Are Imploring Tenants to Start Reopening. Will They Be Heard?
2020-08-27 21:56:00| National Real Estate Investor
The week after Labor Day may prove decisive in whether the citys office tenants will start coming back in any real way.
Mall Landlords Use Open-Air Pop-Ups to Help Retailers Through the Pandemic and It Seems to be Working
2020-08-26 19:45:00| National Real Estate Investor
Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Simon, Brookfield and the Segerstrom family among mall owners trying this approach in locked-down states.