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Sateri's Fujian mill complies with EU-BAT standard

2020-04-15 12:28:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Chinese viscose producer�Sateri's mill in Fujian�has been verified to comply with the European Union Best Available Techniques (EU-BAT) standard, with the remainder of its mills in the country to meet the standard's provisions by 2023.

Tags: standard mill complies fujian


Moving biosecurity from the farm to the feed mill

2020-03-03 17:38:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

An effective biosecurity strategy is not a stagnant process. It is continuously influenced by changes in pig-flows, disease pressures, virus evolution, emerging health issues and more. One such exampl

Tags: feed moving farm mill


Identify feed mill biosecurity risks and implement safety measures

2020-02-27 15:26:00| National Hog Farmer

Self-audits or third parties can be utilized to help revisit your plan and make improvements.

Tags: feed safety identify measures


Could Nine Dragons Save an Old New England Mill Town?

2020-01-16 09:00:00| Waste Age

The New York Times explores how the reopening of a shuttered paper mill in Old Town, Maine, could be the towns saving grace.

Tags: save town england mill


Mill Park | 01-15-20 | 10848 SE Salmon St | Design Review - DECISION | LU 19-264515 DZ

2020-01-15 19:26:37| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,159kbCategory: East Portland Neighborhood Office Decisions

Tags: design review park decision


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