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Moving the meat momentum forward

2021-06-07 19:39:00| Beef

How do we continue to build positive momentum for the beef industry in the face of strong opposition?

Tags: forward moving meat momentum


Ag carbon market bill moving forward

2021-04-23 19:20:00| National Hog Farmer

Legislative Watch: USDA increases CRP rental rates; Undersecretary for farm production and�conservation nominated.

Tags: market forward bill moving


City of Columbus, Georgia Moving to Automated Trash Collection

2021-04-08 08:00:00| Waste Age

DOWNERS GROVE, Ill.-- Environmental Solutions Group (ESG), part of Dover (NYSE: DOV), today announced that the City of Columbus, Georgia is in the process of streamlining its refuse collection programs and is lookin

Tags: city collection moving georgia


How last year impacts health decisions moving forward

2021-03-16 15:43:00| National Hog Farmer

Improved markets providing producers opportunity to evaluate health protocols and operations.

Tags: year health forward moving


Ad Alliance Netherlands moving to Smartclip video monetisation technology

2021-02-16 18:00:48| Digital TV News

Ad Alliance Netherlands is migrating to Smartclips video monetisation technology to support growth in video advertising. Both parties aim to further intensify their cooperation in the future.

Tags: video technology moving netherlands


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