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Nine Energy Service Subsidiary Nine Downhole Norway Achieves ISO Certification

2020-04-14 15:35:36| OGI

Nine Energy Service Inc.'s subsidiary, Nine Downhole Norway, has achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification, an internationally recognized standard that ensures products and services meet the needs of customers through an effective quality management system.

Tags: service energy iso norway


INX achieves new ISO certification

2020-03-09 19:23:00| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

Its North American ISO-certified facilities have been recognized for the ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Standard.

Tags: iso certification achieves inx


B�hlers Digital Security Now Certified with ISO 27001

2020-02-11 13:56:00| Coatings World Breaking News

ISO 27001 protects areas such as internal business IT, the automation solution Mercury MES, the B�hler Insights platform and the myB�hler customer portal.

Tags: digital security certified iso


LINE-X Research & Testing Lab Earns ISO 17025:2005 Certification from A2LA

2020-01-28 17:53:00| Coatings World Breaking News

Tags: research testing iso lab


ECCMA ISO TC 184/SC 4 industry day

2020-01-07 15:13:22| Oil IT Journal - www.oilit.com

CT 184 Consulting reports on new ISO/TC 18101-1 'Oil & Gas Interoperability Standard' for engineering data exchange.

Tags: day industry iso eccma


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