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Finding answers to the world's drinking water crisis

2021-08-02 01:22:43| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Scientists are racing to come up with technologies that can solve the world's clean water shortage.

Tags: water answers finding crisis


Recycling Produced Water in Completed Development Areas

2021-07-30 21:00:00| OGI

An operator increases�produced water recycling and reduces�produced water injection via water midstream infrastructure in Midland County.

Tags: development water areas completed


Oil and Gas Investor: Water Management Special Section

2021-07-29 19:00:00| OGI

For an industry less than a decade into its development, water management has emerged as a crucial component of upstream oil and gas development.

Tags: special management section water


B3 Insight Launches New Oilfield Water ESG Council

2021-07-22 15:35:48| OGI

Founding Members of the council�include EagleClaw Midstream, Pioneer Natural Resources and H2O Midstream, among others.

Tags: water council insight launches


Soil and Water Do Mix in 21st Century Oil Industry

2021-07-20 19:00:00| OGI

John Robitaille, CEO of Encore Green Environmental, explains how partnering with agriculture to economically treat produced water could improve the carbon footprint of oil and gas producers.

Tags: water industry century oil


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