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FAQs: Campaign finance in City elections

2020-05-08 17:54:58| PortlandOnline

Tags: city finance faqs campaign


"Company leaders really need to take a battlefield approach" - just-drinks speaks to Ross Colbert, KPMG Corporate Finance MD of global beverages - Part II - CORONAVIRUS SPECIAL

2020-05-05 17:44:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

In the second part of just-drinks' exclusive interview with Ross Colbert, the MD of global beverages at KPMG Corporate Finance, we drill down into the coronavirus effect on the global drinks industry. Ross expands on his comments in part one about how consumer behaviour is adapting and also considers how the rest of 2020 will pan out.

Tags: part company special ii


"Zero-based budgeting hasn't been successful in building brands" - just-drinks speaks to Ross Colbert, MD of global beverages at KPMG Corporate Finance - Part I

2020-05-05 15:27:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Late last week, just-drinks caught up with Ross Colbert, the�MD of global beverages at KPMG Corporate Finance in New York. In the first part of our exclusive two-part interview, Ross looks at how the drinks industry's M&A landscape has evolved, what the coronavirus will do to company valuations and the rise of the 'hybrid consumer'.

Tags: i part global finance


Debt warning over car finance payment holidays

2020-05-01 02:05:41| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Families say they have been trying for six weeks to secure a lockdown car finance payment holiday.

Tags: car finance payment holidays


Macquarie Capital Principal Finance Invests in Multifuels Midstream Group

2020-04-30 18:19:10| OGI

Warren Equity Partners and Multifuels formed power and utility infrastructure platform in 2016.�

Tags: group finance capital principal


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