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10 Retailers That Haveand 10 That HaventPaid Their Rent as of the End of July

2020-08-17 03:36:00| National Real Estate Investor

Here are the top 10 retailers that have and have not paid rent through July, as the industry deals with the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: the of end july


Fashion retailers back�UK fund�to shore up supply chains

2020-08-14 14:15:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The�UK Government has launched a new programme to�strengthen global supply chains�by supporting workers in developing countries�during the coronavirus pandemic in a move that is estimated to benefit�nearly 120,000 people working in the global garment industry.�

Tags: supply fashion shore chains


Fashion retailers back�UK government aid�to shore up supply chains

2020-08-14 14:15:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The�UK Government has launched a new programme to�strengthen global supply chains�by supporting workers in developing countries�during the coronavirus pandemic in a move that is estimated to benefit�nearly 120,000 people working in the global garment industry.�

Tags: government supply fashion shore


How retailers can prioritise sustainability during Covid-19

2020-08-10 14:15:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

As apparel brands and retailers rebuild their post-pandemic�supply chains,�now is the perfect time to rethink how they can embed sustainability into their development, sourcing and distribution decisions, says�Mark Burstein, president at�NGC Software.

Tags: retailers sustainability prioritise covid19


Busted Retailers Use Bankruptcy to Break Leases by the Thousands

2020-08-06 16:11:00| National Real Estate Investor

Chains from J. Crew to Ann Taylor are using bankruptcy filings to avoid protracted negotiations with individual landlords.

Tags: break thousands bankruptcy retailers


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