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Michigan Court Orders Enbridge to Temporarily Shut Down Line 5 Pipeline

2020-06-26 15:18:20| OGI

Canadian pipeline�operator�Enbridge�Inc. has to halt�Line�5 operations and disclose information related to the recent damage caused to a part of the oil pipeline, a�Michigan�circuit�court�judge ordered on June 25.

Tags: line orders court michigan


Reopening pubs but keeping gyms shut 'illogical'

2020-06-24 13:25:46| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Gym bosses call decision not to reopen indoor sports facilities on 4 July "extremely disappointing"

Tags: keeping shut pubs gyms


Canadas Trans Mountain Pipeline Shut after British Columbia Oil Spill

2020-06-15 15:04:22| OGI

The Canadian government-owned Trans Mountain pipeline has been shut down since June 13 following an oil spill at a pump station in British Columbia, the pipeline company said.

Tags: british oil mountain columbia


Nearly One-third of US GoM Oil Output Shut In Following Storm

2020-06-10 15:02:07| OGI

The federal agency also said about 19%, or 123 production platforms, and one exploration rig remained evacuated in the northern GoM.

Tags: oil output storm shut


Pull Up or Shut Up Campaign Gains Traction

2020-06-09 13:03:36| Happi Breaking News

Companies must become inclusive says Uoma Founder Sharon Chuter.

Tags: campaign pull gains shut


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