Tag: shared
27% of DTC streaming video services are shared in the U.S.
2021-04-02 19:30:03| Digital TV News
Leichtman Research has found that 82% of U.S. households have at least one streaming video service, with 51% of households having three or more. However, not all of these services are being paid for directly by those who use them.
No Deal Yet on Shared Mexican Oil Find, Talks to Extend Past Deadline
2021-03-26 14:14:25| OGI
Talks involve how�to develop the nearly 700 million-barrel offshore Zama discovery, which was made by the Talos-led consortium in 2017.
Financial pain of Covid 'not shared equally'
2021-02-11 11:16:51| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
Young people and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds have been harder hit, a regulator says.
Tags: financial
DNA and Telia Finland extend shared network, Telia plans 3G shutdown in 2023
2021-02-01 12:05:00| Telecompaper Headlines
(Telecompaper) Telia Finland and Telenor's Finnish operation, DNA, have agreed to expand the mobile network built through their jointly owned Finnish Shared Network (SYV), operating in Northern and Eastern Finland...
Mexicos Pemex, Talos to Keep Talking over Major Shared Oil Find
2020-12-23 11:16:55| OGI
Mexicos energy ministry has approved a 60-day extension for talks between state oil company Pemex and a private consortium led by U.S.-based Talos Energy Inc. over the future of a massive shared crude deposit, Talos CEO Tim Duncan told Reuters on Dec. 22.