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Tag: vilsack
Vilsack working with FDA on animal biotechnology
2021-10-08 22:28:00| National Hog Farmer
Bipartisan letter also calls on USDA and FDA leadership to find workable regulatory framework.
Tags: working
Vilsack uses CCC funds to pour $3B more into ag sector
2021-09-29 18:51:00| National Hog Farmer
Funds include $500 million each for ASF, port congestion and drought recovery and $1.5 billion for school lunches. �
Vilsack uses CCC funds to pour $3B more into ag sector
2021-09-29 18:51:00| Beef
Funds include $500 million each for ASF, port congestion and drought recovery and $1.5 billion for school lunches. �
Vilsack touts ag labor reform bill in visit to New York
2021-07-20 21:50:00| National Hog Farmer
Rep. Delgados advisory committee discusses rural infrastructure, bolstering local food systems and needs of dairy farms.
Vilsack advocates Senate action on farm labor reform
2021-06-16 14:55:00| National Hog Farmer
Ag coalition also calling on Senate to take up bill addressing ag labor shortfalls.
Tags: action