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Is the United States prepared for acts of agroterrorism?

2020-09-21 23:49:00| Beef

As election day draws closer, civil unrest could pose a major threat to our nations food security. Are we vulnerable to agroterroism?

Tags: of united states united states


PepsiCo prepared for NFL shutdown with replacement Pepsi food-themed campaign

2020-09-11 15:15:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

PepsiCo is readying itself for�a swift U-turn on its NFL marketing in the US if the new season is cut short by the coronavirus.

Tags: prepared replacement campaign nfl


Be Prepared for Anything (Commentary)

2020-08-11 18:47:00| Waste Age

If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that we should be prepared for the unexpected to happen. It is hard to believe just how much has transpired this year aside from COVID-19 and the movement stemming from the death of George Floyd. The year starte

Tags: prepared commentary


Report: Oil Industry Wasnt Digitally Prepared for Crisis

2020-04-20 11:30:00| OGI

Only 13% of oil and gas industry leaders believe that they are adopting new technologies fast enough to succeed, a recent report says.

Tags: report industry prepared oil


Coronavirus and Waste: Be Prepared for What Could Come

2020-03-18 09:00:00| Waste Age

PegEx has released guidance for the waste management industry handling COVID-19 materials.

Tags: what come could prepared


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