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Marketed: Grizzly Energy Southern Oklahoma Asset Package

2020-03-25 13:35:00| OGI

Grizzly Energy retained EnergyNet for the sale of an Oklahoma asset package located in Love and Marshall counties through an auction closing April 8.

Tags: energy package southern oklahoma


Marketed: Oklahoma Minerals Packages in Grady and McClain Counties

2020-03-23 18:00:18| OGI

Retama Minerals retained EnergyNet for the sale of minerals and overriding royalty interest in Oklahoma's Grady and McClain counties through two separate auctions closing March 31.

Tags: packages oklahoma counties minerals


Oklahoma Producers On Shaky Ground As Oil Price War Hits

2020-03-20 13:54:15| OGI

It costs about $48.19 a barrel to produce oil in Oklahomas SCOOP and STACK shale plays, the highest in the United States, according to a Deutsche Bank analysis.

Tags: price war ground hits


Marketed: Eagle Hydrocarbons Oklahoma, Texas 97-well Package

2020-03-18 14:00:00| OGI

FTI Consulting Canada�as receiver and manager of Eagle Hydrocarbons�retained EnergyNet�for the sale of a 97-well package in Oklahoma and Texas through a sealed-bid offering closing March 27.

Tags: texas package oklahoma eagle


Marketed: Grizzly Energy Anadarko Basin Northwest Oklahoma Package

2020-03-17 14:05:35| OGI

Grizzly Energy retained EnergyNet for the sale of Anadarko Basin assets in northwest Oklahoma through a sealed-bid offering closing March 25.

Tags: energy package oklahoma northwest


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