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Tag: plan amendment
Concordia | 6-23-21 | 2636 NE Dekum St & 6705/6623/6325/6305 NE 27th Ave | Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment & Zoning Map Amendment - CITY COUNCIL ORDER OF COUNCIL AND FINAL DECISION | LU 20-204990 CP ZC
2021-07-01 22:22:40| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 1,253kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors Decisions
Concordia | 04-09-21 | 2636 NE Dekum St | Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Review - STAFF REPORT | LU 20-204990 CP ZC
2021-04-09 21:18:40| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 6,122kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors
Interstate Plan Amendment to Increase the Maximum Indebtedness
2020-12-04 03:10:19| PortlandOnline
Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 16. Click for more details.
Tags: plan
Sullivans Gulch | 2-26-20 | 1710 NE Multnomah St | Comprehensive Plan Amendment w/Zone Map Amendment - CITY COUNCIL FINAL FINDINGS & CONCLUSION | LU 19-223221 CP ZC
2020-03-16 23:03:21| PortlandOnline
Word Document, 190kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors Decisions
Sullivans Gulch | 01-08-20 | 1710 NE Multnomah | Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment & Zoning Map Review - City Council Hearing | LU 19-223221 CP ZC
2020-01-08 18:36:45| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 971kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors
Sites : [1]