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Trump attacks Goodyear for campaign clothes ban

2020-08-19 21:39:23| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The tyre company says it asks staff to refrain from "political campaigning".

Tags: clothes campaign ban attacks


Trump gives nod to Oracle buyout of TikTok in US

2020-08-19 06:57:21| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Oracle's chairman Larry Ellison is a supporter of the US president and held a fundraiser for him this year.

Tags: us oracle nod trump


Trump Administration Considers Policy Change for Remote Offshore Wells

2020-08-18 11:00:00| OGI

The U.S. government is considering changes to policies for oil companies operating in the offshore Gulf of Mexico that might allow existing platforms to lengthen extensions to remote wells.

Tags: policy change administration remote


Trump dangles cash for US firms moving from China

2020-08-18 06:04:25| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The US president is enticing companies to move factories back to America while punishing those who dont.

Tags: china cash moving firms


Trump Weighing Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Oil Drilling

2020-08-17 15:15:00| OGI

"We will take a look at that," Trump told Fox News in a telephone interview when asked about a Wall Street Journal article reporting�that the Trump administration plans to approve an oil leasing program for ANWR in Alaska.

Tags: national oil wildlife arctic


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