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Brexit: EU to begin legal action over alleged NI Protocol breach

2021-03-15 15:18:31| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

PM Boris Johnson says the UK's actions "temporary and technical measures that we think are very sensible".

Tags: legal action begin protocol


Brexit: NI Protocol is 'only solution' despite challenges

2021-02-16 23:15:48| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

EC vice president Maros Sefcovic says the NI deal is "administratively extremely challenging".

Tags: solution challenges protocol brexit


First ten US mills sign up to Cotton Trust Protocol

2020-12-15 13:46:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The US�Cotton Trust Protocol has welcomed its first�ten American cotton textile manufacturers, including�Frontier Yarns and Parkdale Inc.

Tags: sign trust cotton protocol


New Internet Protocol Aims to Give Users Control of Their Digital Identities

2020-11-18 14:00:00| TechNewsWorld

The @ Company wants to give you a more secure and human-centric Internet built on providing you with true ownership and control of your personal data. To that end, the company has launched an app built on its new privacy protocol. This new standard will attempt to change how online vendors and companies wheel and deal with the personal information of billions of Internet users.

Tags: internet give control users


US Cotton Trust Protocol opens doors to growers

2020-09-23 12:45:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

American�cotton growers can now join the US Cotton Trust Protocol, a new standard for verifying the sustainability progress of US cotton.

Tags: trust opens doors cotton


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