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In Spite of Great Uncertainty, CRE Deals Continue to Close

2020-04-21 19:19:00| National Real Estate Investor

While there was more caution in the market in March, sales continued to close, according to Ten-X Commercial.

Tags: to great close continue


Oil price turmoil set to continue

2020-04-21 10:59:36| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Coronavirus downturn has put major pressure on oil prices with demand slumping and storage running out.

Tags: price set continue oil


Sustainable development must continue -�even in times of crisis

2020-04-20 16:33:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

On the 50th anniversary of World Earth Day, Ken Burton, executive director of the new US Cotton Trust Protocol, explains why it is so important that sustainability activity is not left behind as companies are impacted by coronavirus.

Tags: of times development continue


Producers continue to hold back feeder cattle

2020-04-16 16:36:00| Beef

Prices remain soft and ranchers continue to hold feeder cattle. There's a similar story happening with slaughter cows, despite prices improving throughout the week.

Tags: back continue hold producers


Fed Cattle Recap | Cash prices continue to tank

2020-04-14 17:30:00| Beef

Cash prices for fed cattle were mostly $6 lower and cash sales volume was again lower than the previous week.

Tags: continue prices cash tank


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