Tag: apparel
U.S. Apparel Imports: Jan-Oct 2020 (Monthly Report)
2020-12-07 18:08:33|
US apparel imports rose for the first time in 14 months in volume terms in October, reflecting a surge in Chinese shipments. Bangladesh and Cambodia have also benefited from the rebound in US demand, ahead of order cancellations triggered by the new wave of the pandemic in the United States. Our report covers US apparel imports on a monthly basis, comparing shipments from most origins in the last month and the year-to-date. Import data are available in volume, value, and unit value terms. Historical trends are analyzed over the 2000-2020 period, including cotton vs. man-made fiber apparel, and China vs. Vietnam, and the Rest of the World (RoW).
Tags: report
U.S. Apparel Imports in Jan-Sep 2020: China vs. Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Mexico and Honduras (Quarterly Report)
2020-12-01 21:08:21|
US apparel imports have fallen dramatically in the first three quarters of the year, with supplying countries experiencing contrasting results depending on the product categories. The average unit price of Chinese shipments has collapsed in line with plunging US orders. Market shares of Vietnam and Bangladesh have surged. Our series of statistical tables offer a comprehensive comparison of volume, value, and unit value changes per origin and product category in the first three quarters of 2020. The report also includes a detailed comparison of Chinese price trends vs. other origins, through a series of indexes. Our full table is available for download.
Tags: report
Which apparel sourcing factors matter�the most?
2020-12-01 13:06:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
From capacity to price, stability, sustainability and quality, various sourcing factors affect the choice of apparel sourcing destinations. But�which matter�most to�fashion brands and retailers? And what's the secret of becoming a preferred sourcing base?�Emma Davis and Sheng Lu from�the University of Delaware take a look.
Tags: factors
apparel sourcing
Turkey Apparel Exports (Quarterly Report)
2020-11-30 17:08:11|
Turkey's apparel exports have rebounded in the third quarter this year, after dramatically declining over the European lockdown. The rebound of the Turkish lira and the second wave of the pandemic may negatively affect export sales in the fourth quarter, however. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Turkey's clothing exports in the third quarter of 2016-20, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination and HS 4-digit product category. Export data in US$ terms are released for the first three quarters of 2020 per destination. The full data are available for download as .csv files.
Tags: report
U.S. Apparel Imports in Jan-Sep 2020: China vs. Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Mexico and Honduras (Quarterly Report)
2020-11-27 20:10:52|
US apparel imports have fallen dramatically in the first three quarters of the year, with supplying countries experiencing contrasting results depending on the product categories. The average unit price of Chinese shipments has collapsed in line with plunging US orders. Market shares of Vietnam and Bangladesh have surged. Our series of statistical tables offer a comprehensive comparison of volume, value, and unit value changes per origin and product category in the first three quarters of 2020. The report also includes a detailed comparison of Chinese price trends vs. other origins, through a series of indexes. Our full table is available for download.
Tags: report
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