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Shell, Prosafe Agree to Defer Shearwater Job for 2021

2020-09-03 16:00:00| OGI

As part of the agreement, Shell will compensate Prosafe through a fee considering the 10-month mobilization deferment of�a U.K. North Sea contract at the Shearwater platform.

Tags: job agree shell defer


Exxon Mobil Weighs Global Job Cuts after Unveiling Australian Lay-off Plan

2020-09-02 15:19:19| OGI

Exxon is the latest oil major to embark on axing jobs spurred by a historic collapse in fuel demand because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Tags: plan global job mobil


Kickstart: Firms urged to sign up to job scheme for under-24s

2020-09-02 01:01:05| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The government has launched its 2bn Kickstart scheme aimed at helping young people into work.

Tags: sign job firms scheme


The Coca-Cola Co's job cuts will usher in industry-wide post-COVID reviews - comment

2020-08-28 16:58:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

In soft drinks, The Coca-Cola Co leads and others follow. This holds true in so many areas it can only be because the company of Coke, Fanta and Sprite so often gets it right.

Tags: comment reviews job cos


The Coca-Cola Co's job cuts will usher in industry-wide post-COVID reviews - comment

2020-08-28 16:58:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

In soft drinks, The Coca-Cola Co leads and others follow. This holds true in so many areas it can only be because the company of Coke, Fanta and Sprite so often gets it right.

Tags: comment reviews job cos


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