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UK begins process to join Asia-Pacific trade bloc

2021-06-02 10:42:51| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The 11-member Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bloc agrees to open accession talks with the UK.

Tags: join process trade begins


Nasdaq, Fortum Join Forces to Develop Carbon Removal Market

2021-06-01 15:14:07| OGI

Puro.earths CO2 Removal�Certificates (CORCs) are based on technologies for long-term carbon�removal, such as storing�carbon�in a solid structures made from industrial waste.

Tags: join market develop forces


Seize the 5G opportunity: Join us tomorrow for 5GLIVE!

2021-05-17 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

5G is so much more than just faster connectivity.  From unlocking a myriad of industrial use cases to changing the way businesses approach connectivity, 5G has the potential to revolutionise the global economy across verticals including smart cities, transport, manufacturing, and healthcare.  But capitalising on the 5G opportunity will not be easy. The technology itself is very much still in its infancy, with novel use cases being developed around the world. Important questions are being asked, such as how can we best monetise 5G’s capabilities for enterprises…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: join opportunity tomorrow seize


Avgol and Algaeing join forces on Sustainable Algae-Powered Technology

2021-05-11 16:50:22| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News

Companies to initially focus on body liners for AHPs, facial coverings

Tags: join technology forces sustainable


Tyson Foods first meat company to join cattle traceability program

2021-04-27 15:00:00| Beef

Animal disease traceability is the focus of U.S. CattleTrace.

Tags: company join program foods


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