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Buckman | 09-23-21 | 1010 SE Ash St | Historic Resource Review - DECISION | LU 21-061740 HR

2021-09-22 19:30:48| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,371kbCategory: Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program Decisions

Tags: review decision resource hr


Hazelwood | 09-23-21 | 10413, 10425 and 10439 E Burnside Street | Design Review with Modifications - PROPOSAL | LU 21-074621 DZM

2021-09-22 18:43:55| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 5,917kbCategory: East Portland Neighborhood Office

Tags: design review street modifications


Tribes Say Dakota Access Oil Pipeline's Environmental Review is Biased

2021-09-22 15:30:50| OGI

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia revoked a key�environmental�permit for the largest pipeline out of the North�Dakota�oil�basin last year and ordered the study.

Tags: review access oil environmental


Powellhurst-Gilbert | 09-21-21 | 2721 SE 101st Ave | Land Division Subdivision Review - DECISION | LU 17-140551 LDS

2021-09-20 23:16:23| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,138kbCategory: East Portland Neighborhood Office Decisions

Tags: review land decision division


Buckman | 9-20-21 | 550 SE M L King Blvd | Design Review w/Modifications & Historic Resource Review - STAFF REPORT | LU 21-061842 DZM HR

2021-09-20 23:15:46| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 2,651kbCategory: Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program

Tags: report design review staff


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