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Portland Downtown | 08-13-21 | 150 S Montgomery St | Central City Master Plan Review - REQUEST FOR RESPONSE | LU 21-053731 CCMS

2021-08-12 21:03:14| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 2,869kbCategory: Neighbors West/Northwest

Tags: city review plan central


Northwest District | 08-12-21 | 2205 NW Johnson St | Historic Resource Review - FINAL FINDINGS AND DECISION ON APPEAL | LU 20-198076 HR

2021-08-11 22:41:58| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,255kbCategory: Neighbors West/Northwest Decisions

Tags: on review final decision


Portland Downtown | 08-12-21 | 970 SW Washington St | Design Review with Modifications - DECISION | LU 20-176797 DZM

2021-08-11 21:21:04| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 10,957kbCategory: Neighbors West/Northwest Decisions

Tags: design review washington decision


Forest Park | 08-11-21 | 157 NW Miller Rd | Adjustment Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-071079 AD

2021-08-11 00:57:56| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 6,241kbCategory: Neighbors West/Northwest

Tags: review park ad miller


Concordia | 08-11-21 | 6033 NE 23rd Ave | Adjustment Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-061011 AD

2021-08-10 18:23:34| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 918kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors

Tags: review ad ave proposal


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