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Cattle Market Wrap-up: Prices slip lower

2020-10-01 20:22:00| Beef

Calf prices were generally on the defensive, but steady for heavyweight yearlings.

Tags: market prices lower slip


Cattle Market Wrap-up | Feeder run higher

2020-09-04 18:20:00| Beef

Feeder cattle and cull cow numbers were higher ahead of Labor Day closures

Tags: market run higher cattle


Fed Cattle Recap | Cash market takes a breather

2020-09-01 17:48:00| Beef

The cash market for fed cattle was mostly $1-2 lower on smaller volume with bigger numbers of 15-30 day delivery.

Tags: market takes cash fed


Feeder cattle market rebound!

2020-08-14 01:19:00| Beef

Despite two black swan events, bigger supply and sharp losses, the feeder market has staged a solid recovery and is encroaching the top side of a well-establishing trading range.

Tags: market cattle feeder rebound


Cattle market outlook: Hang tough, its gonna get better

2020-08-05 19:58:00| Beef

Theres a light at the end of the cattle market tunnel, and its not another train.

Tags: market outlook tough hang


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