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Energean to Pay Up to $405 Million for Remaining Stake in Fields Offshore Israel

2020-12-30 15:30:00| OGI

Energean, which currently holds 70% interest in its Israeli unit, said it would pay private-equity firm Kerogen Capital between $380 million and $405 million�to acquire the remaining stake.

Tags: pay million fields remaining


Rodan + Fields Expands Partnership With TerraCycle To Increase Recycling Aimed At Reducing Packaging Waste

2020-12-15 14:07:00| Waste Age

TORONTO -- Rodan + Fields, a leading skincare brand in North America, in partnership with international recycling leader, TerraCycle, announce the expansion of the Rodan + Fields Recycling Program, already available in the United State

Tags: increase fields partnership waste


Tullow Oils New Strategy Focuses on Squeezing West Africa Fields

2020-11-25 16:09:01| OGI

Britains�Tullow�Oil will commit 90% of its investments in coming years on its producing offshore oil fields�in�West�Africa�and put exploration on the back burner to reduce debt.

Tags: west africa strategy fields


PetroRio Acquires Stake in BP-operated Fields Offshore Brazil

2020-11-19 11:34:20| OGI

Petro Rio SA has inked an agreement with BP Energy do Brasil Ltda. on Nov. 19 for the acquisition of interests of 35.7% in the BM-C-30 Block (Wahoo field) and 60% in the BM-C-32 Block (Itaipu field), thus, subject to the necessary approvals, becoming the operator of both pre-salt fields.

Tags: fields brazil offshore stake


Total Pursues Sale of Stakes in Angolan Oil Fields

2020-11-04 15:06:50| OGI

Total could raise around $300 million from the sale of its 20% stake in Angolas offshore Block 14.

Tags: total sale fields oil


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